From longer life expectancy to the baby-boomers whose investments and house values were tanked by the Great Recession, to younger workers being squeezed out by older workers who are hanging on to their jobs longer, retirement in America has changed...
The fund continues to increase steadily since the decline in 2008...
“Morningstar’s 2013 Edition of The State of State Pension Plans notes that, in aggregate, state plans are 72.6 percent funded, with a unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) per capita of roughly...
I attended the quarterly meeting on September 5th. This meeting covered the pension fund performance for the period ending 6/30/13...
Asset allocation remains highly focused in domestic equity at 27.9% of the portfolio as of the end of June. The Market Value of the MSERS plan (now closed) is $9,563 million...
At the June 27th Board meeting, highlights of the actuarial pension valuation and health care valuation for the period ending September 30, 2012 were presented by the actuaries from...
A new issues brief out by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College finds that, “Given the nature of their employment, state/local workers have historically been less vulnerable...
The State Employees’ Retirement System Board met on April 18th. Today the Board heard a report from Jon Braeutigam, Chief Investment Officer for the Department of Treasury, Bureau of Investments...
The first meeting of the IAC for 2013 was on March 7th. The new Quarterly Investment Review was distributed to everyone in attendance...
As of September 30, 2011 funded ratio was 65.5% and the funded ratio of post-employment benefits...
Jon M. Braeutigam, CIO Bureau of Investments in the Department of Treasury spoke at our February meeting...
I received a call from staff at the Bureau of Investments (BOI) in Treasury who wished to provide additional information...
Headlines around the country are blaming public pension plans for ongoing state and local government fiscal problems, from budget shortfalls to municipal bankruptcies. The reason for...
At the September 6th Committee meeting, Mr. Braeutigam gave the Executive Summary which included the MPSERS plan annualized return of 2.6% for the past one year...
Keith Brainard, research director for the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, says funds can’t attain true diversification if...
Mr. Braeutigam reported on the performance of the SMRS’ portfolio for the time period ending December 31, 2011. He noted the S&P 500, which was flat in 2011, but as of February 29, 2012, it was up 8.6% year-to-date...
According to an article in the WSJ, “former senior executives of Bear Stearns Cos. have agreed to settle a shareholder suit for $275 million. The 2008 lawsuit, led by the State of Michigan Retirement Systems, had accused...
A recent article in the LSJ indicates that the Governor is “doubling the money spent on film grants”. What impact will this really have on the movie industry in Michigan? Remember our pension fund...
The members of the Retirement Board were updated on the investment side of the MSERS by Gregory Parker, Director of Investments — Public Markets and Director of Asset Allocation of...
I attended the March 1st meeting of the Investment Advisory Committee. Newly appointed members, “Nick” Khouri and Erik Lundberg were introduced...
Chief Executive/Chief Investment Officer, Jon Braeutigam spoke to SERA members at its February meeting. Mr. Braeutigam directs policies and...
As of January 2012, pensions for retirees born after 1952 in the state of Michigan will no longer be exempt from state income taxes...
The Office of Retirement Services and the Department of Treasury, Bureau of Investments has developed more online access to pension information...
Finally — a Raise! SSA COLA for 2012 is scheduled to be 3.6%...
The ruling on the legality of Gov. Rick Snyder’s senior pension tax is close at hand, according to Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Young, Jr....
September was welcomed with relief from a market off 15% though August and the average stock off 25%. With that in mind and a look to the future, Board members were asked to...
Per the most recent Pension Profile, the fund continues to be lead by domestic equities at nearly 35% with a slight increase in real estate holdings and absolute and real return investment strategies...
Last month Council Chair, Bob Kopasz, Legislative Chair, Mary Pollock and I met with Jon Braeutigam, Chief Investment Officer and Robert Brackenbury, Chief Administrative Officer for the Bureau of Investments...
I attended the State Employees Retirement System Board meeting today where they received the actuarial pension and healthcare valuations for the period ending 9/30/10...
I attended the recent State Employees Retirement System Board Meeting. Greg Parker, Deputy Chief Investment Officer of the Bureau of Investments in the Department of Treasury provided a report. According to the report there are 50,462 retirees..
A recent acquisition of Accuri Cytometers by Becton, Dickinson & Co (NYSE:BDX) for $205 million represents the first cash return on investment for InvestMichigan according to...
The January, 2011 Market Value Report from Treasury shows the retirement funds are invested at 35.9% domestic equity; 20.2% alternative investments; 15.2% fixed income...
A recent article in Forbes by Edward Siedle chastises the Florida Board of Trustees for the Florida Retirement System for shifting large sums of pension funds to “alternative investments.”...
Fund has recovered from it downturn beginning in May. However, as to overall growth, it has not gained much over its peak in March...