Chair Talk

May 2019

SERA Legislative Committee

I have added 3 new members to the SERA Legislative Committee. New members of the Committee are: Carol Cukier and Bill Gehman (Lansing Chapter) and Duane Hoffman (Tri-County Gaylord). Other members of the Legislative Committee: Mary Pollock, Chair (Lansing Chapter), Bruce Andrews and Dane Ross (UP Chapter), Don Davis (Thumb Area Caro Chapter) and Bob Kopasz (Lapeer/Flint Chapter).

For retirees that have the State Health Plan, there are a couple value-added programs that BC/BS provides that may help retirees:

24-hour Nurse Line
The 24-hour Nurse Line is a great resource for medical information. It provides 0ne-on-one health advice from a Registered Nurse 24hours a day, seven days a week. This is part of your State Health Plan coverage, so there is no cost to you. To reach the 24-hour Nurse Line, call 1-800-775-BLUE (2583). TTY users: Dial 771.

Case Management
Blue Cross’ Case Management program can help if you are dealing with a serious illness or condition. Your case manager will help you review your health care needs and understand your treatment plan. This is a voluntary program offered at no cost to State Health Plan members. To learn more about BC/BS Caser Management Program, call 1-800-845-5982. TTY users: Dial 711.

Blue 365
State Health Plan members have access to health and wellness deals and discounts through the Blue 365 Program. Check out and sign up for weekly e-mail updates on savings in fitness, healthy eating, personal care, lifestyle, and wellness.

The above value-added programs are offered, at no cost, to all State Health Plan Members.

Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.