January 2017
By Bob Kopasz
Lauri Schmidt, Employee Benefits Director will be retiring effective March 1, 2017. Lauri has 38 years of service with the State of Michigan. We will miss Lauri but do welcome her to the ranks of retirees. We wish her a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.
The new Employee Benefits Director (effective February 1, 2017) is Bethany Beauchine. Bethany previously worked in the Office of the State Employer and negotiated the MCO contracts. I look forward to working with Bethany in the near future.
Optum Rx
Optum Rx is the new prescription provider for retirees and active state employees. The transition from MedImpact to Optum Rx was not without issues/problems. I can say that the number of calls/e-mails I received were less than most previous transitions. Most issues/problems can be resolved by calling Optum Rx at the number on the back of your Optum Rx ID card.
Below are some figures we were given yesterday about Optum Rx’s performance for the month of January:
Medicare retirees:
129,000 prescriptions filled (mail and retail)
State paid $17 million for the prescriptions
Non- Medicare and active employees
98,000 prescriptions filled (mail and retail)
State paid $9 million for the prescriptions
Specialty drugs (both active and retired)
1600 prescriptions
State paid $6.8 for the prescriptions
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.