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October 2016
By Bob Kopasz
State retirees will see a 3% increase (capped at $25 per month $300 annual) on their October 25th pension payment.
The SERA-PLUS program has recruited over 800 new SERA members this year. Hantz continues to call/contact new retirees to explain the program and the benefits of being a SERA member.
The State of Michigan has contracted with a new provider (Optum Rx) to provide Prescription Drugs to Active and Retired State Employees. This change in vendors will be effective on January 1, 2017. Medicare retirees will be enrolled in the Optum Rx Medicare D Plan. Non-Medicare retirees will be enrolled in the Optum Rx drug plan. Mail-order drugs will be handled by Briova Rx. Medicare retirees that receive Specialty Drugs through Diplomat Pharmacy may continue with Diplomat Pharmacy. Non-Medicare retirees will have to get Specialty Drugs through Optum Rx. Retirees should start receiving information about Optum Rx in the mail soon. We hope the transition will proceed with few glitches.
I have made arrangements for a presentation by a representative from the Consumer Education Program (Attorney General’s Office) on “In Home Care and Senior Residences” at the November 4th Coordinating Council meeting. This should be an interesting program with valuable information.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.