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August 2016
By Bob Kopasz
I have made arrangements for a presentation about: In Home Care and Senior Residences at the November 4, 2016 SERA CC meeting. The Program will be presented by Christine Coady a representative of the Michigan Department of Attorney General Consumer Protection Division. This should be an interesting program.
The SERA-PLUS program, administered by the Hantz Group, has recruited over 600 new members this year. The various seminars they have held around the State has helped in getting valuable information to current and new SERA members.
Lauri Schmidt, Director or Employee Benefits attended the August CC meeting and discussed the changes in health benefits that we can expect on October 1. The changes will be:
- Increasing the benefit of an occlusal bite guard from once in a lifetime to once every 5 years.
- An increase in the amount paid by the State for vision benefits (frames, progressive and transitional lenses.
- The addition of tele-medicine for non-medicare retirees.
State Employee Unions are in negotiations currently on health care benefits. At this time we don’t know what other changes may come out of those talks.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.