January 2012
By Bob Kopasz
I hope that all our retirees had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are starting a new year holding our breath to see what new things the Administration and the Legislature has in store for the citizens of this State. We have heard rumors about some more ideas that may be in store.
We are looking at pursuing the membership drive that VBS/APSA has proposed. I hope to have some definite ideas/proposals to present to the CC at the February meeting.
We recently learned that we are not receiving lists of Defined Contribution retirees. I will be asking for a meeting with Civil Service to see if it would be possible to get a list of all DC retirees.
We will also be asking for a meeting with ING in an attempt to get involved in the pre-retirement seminars and webinars. It would be helpful if we could get face-to-face access to employees that are planning for retirement.
I have asked that Steve Crippen (ORS) and Patricia Cotter (Treasury) attend our February CC meeting so that we can get an update in the withholding process. The month of January will be the first month that the withholding will start. I have a hunch that many retirees, who have not attended SERA meetings, visited the ORS and Treasury websites, read the recent ORS Connections newsletter or read the letter from ORS that was included in our final retirement statements may be in for a surprise on January 25. We will probably know at that time if there are problems in the withholding process.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.