July 2011
By Bob Kopasz
The past few months have been busy with all the legislation introduced that effects retirees either directly or indirectly. It seems that something new pops up on a weekly basis. Hopefully, things will quiet down for a couple months while the Legislature is on summer break. It would be wise for retirees to contact their legislators in their districts and let them know your feelings about everything that is going on.
On June 2nd, I was asked to speak at the State convention of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) in Tawas City. They wanted me to discuss the various tax issues that will affect retirees in this state. Got a very good reception and they were a very attentive audience. Convention attendees asked lots of questions and raised concerns about all the issues going on in the state.
On June 10th, Mary Pollock, June Morse and I met with Jon Braeutigam and Robert Brackenbury (Department of Treasury). We discussed the investment of retirement accounts and the details involved in those investments. I plan to ask them to put on a program for our November CC meeting. It should prove to be an interesting meeting. If you have questions about the retirement funds and how the money is invested that would be the opportunity to get your questions answered.
On June 20th, Mary, Dan McLellan and I met with the Executive Board of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) to discuss the pension tax issue and its effect on all retirees. Their Executive Board voted to help defray legal costs of fighting the pension tax. They agreed that we should file a joint brief to the Michigan Supreme Court as part of the litigation we are pursuing. We have a lot in common with the Federal Retirees/Employees on the pension tax issue.
I met with Tim Easterwood (VBS) on Tuesday, June 28th and discussed a new program that VBS is offering retirees. I will be sending an e-mail to all SERA Chapter Presidents to explain the new programs being offered by VBS.
The plans for the August CC meeting in Marquette are being finalized. I don’t plan on having just one speaker for the program. I have asked people from Blue Cross, Delta Dental, Employee Benefits, Voluntary Benefits Solutions, State Employees Charitable Campaign and Upper Peninsula legislators to give brief presentations and answer questions. It should prove to be an interesting (and probably longer) meeting that we usually have.
Hope to see you in Marquette!!!
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.