April 2011
By Bob Kopasz
We have made some extensive changes to our website. Joy Ross (Website Manager) has been doing some extra work to bring the site up to date. If you haven’t been to the site in a while you should check it out: mi-sera.org. Joy has been working on revising the SERA logo and will have templates available to with letterheads designed for the SERA CC as well as individual Chapters. When those are available we will inform the Chapter Presidents.
We have been invited to participate in a Rally at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. This rally involves unions, seniors, students, employees, teachers etc. The Rally is from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mary Pollock will be speaking at the Rally. We urge anyone that can attend to please do so.
Mary has been attending/testifying at many legislative committee meetings on various issues that may affect retirees. I would urge you to read and pass around her reports to your Chapter members.
We have recently attended a meeting with the coalition that is discussing the issue of the 80/20 premium split for public employees (SB 7) that was introduced by Senator Jansen. We will keep meeting with various coalitions to address all the budget issues that have an effect on retirees.
I have been asked to attend a breakfast meeting of retired Federal Employees. I have been requested to speak on the pension tax issue as that will also affect retired Federal Employees. The group is the National Active Retired Federal Employees (NARFE). I will be addressing that group on Sunday, April 10th in Livonia. I have been informed that there will be about 400 Federal retirees present. They expect about 8 speakers for this event.
I have invited Mark Meadows (D East Lansing) and his Legislative Aide Susan Schmidt to attend and speak at our May CC meeting. I have asked Representative Meadows to speak on budget issues and legislation that may affect seniors.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380.