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September 2010
By Bob Kopasz
It seems to be that time of year when Medicare eligible retirees are being inundated with mail seeking them to join a Medicare Part D Prescription Plan. I have received several mailings from private insurers to enroll in their Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. I want to remind SERA members and all State Retirees that they do not have to join a Part D plan — we already have a prescription drug plan through the State of Michigan that is probably better than any of the other plans out there. Don’t be taken in by the mailings trying to entice you to join a Part D plan.
I have formed a special committee (Dave Reusser, Dave Cook, Jane Wallin, Tony Grudnoski and Maria Tomaszewski) to investigate and make a recommendation on the resolution put forth by the Lake Superior SERA Chapter that would provide a $100 expense check to Chapters that travel more than 200 miles to attend a SERA meeting. I have asked that the committee make a report to the Executive Committee in October.
I recently contacted the Chairperson of the Coalition that is opposing the Dillon Health Plan, she tells me that they haven’t heard of any push to move the Dillon Health Plan and that the legislature seemed to be focused on the budget right now. There may be a push for the plan in the lame duck session. She expressed her happiness that Speaker Andy Dillon and Representative Pam Byrnes (Chair of the Public Employee Health Care Reform Committee) will both be looking for jobs this fall as there terms are up in January. Alvin and I will continue to monitor this committee and any other legislation that may affect State Retirees.
I recently sent an e-mail to Susan Kant (Employee Benefits Director) and Arva Overton (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) seeking answers to the questions/issues that we had raised with Blue Cross at our meeting in July. Hopefully, we will get their responses soon. I will pass on any information I receive from them.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380