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June 2010
By Bob Kopasz
I have been in contact with Employee Benefits/Civil Service regarding a question/complaint retirees have about the current mail-order program with Medco. Previously when we started the mail-order program retirees were able to use postage paid envelopes to submit prescriptions and send payments. Postage paid envelopes are no longer provided by the State to be used by retirees for the mail order program. Originally, the postage paid envelopes were used to encourage retirees to use the mail-order program. There are several reasons why postage paid envelopes are no longer provided: 1) prescriptions can be ordered by internet, 2) Doctors can fax prescription to Medco directly, 3) refills can be ordered by phone and 4) the new Federal health care program mandates e-prescribe programs. Another reason why the State no longer uses postage paid envelopes for the mail-order drug program is one of cost. The State has been paying the majority of the cost of drugs for years even though we as retirees pay co-pays for our prescriptions. The additional cost of postage paid envelopes just adds to the cost the State currently pays. I spend less that $10 a year on stamps for ordering/paying for mail-order prescriptions. I would much rather buy a stamp than have a raise in co-pays to cover the cost of postage paid envelopes.
Alvin and I have attended the coalition meetings with those organizations that oppose HB 5345 and the new H-1 substitute. This Bill/Substitute is known as the Dillon Public Employee Health Plan. It’s hard to believe, but the substitute bill that Speaker Dillon proposed 2 weeks ago adds more confusion and complexity to the original bill. We will continue to attend coalition meetings and will report on this as well as other issues. I would urge all retirees to contact their representatives and voice opposition to this bill/substitute. If this bill were to pass, I am sure we would see a reduction in benefits and increased out-of-pocket costs, co-pays and deductibles.
Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380