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Chair Talk |
January 2006I would like to take this opportunity to wish all State retirees and their families a healthy/happy New Year. I am hoping that all SERA members that are serving on, or were Chairpersons of a committee to continue serving on those committees. If you are unable to continue serving in 2006, please contact me. I believe that all those involved in committee assignments did a terrific job. On Thursday, December 22, 2005 SERA representatives (Alvin Whitfield, Duane Marlan, Lee Hall, Mary Flannery and I) met with Jan Winters & Jim Farrell (Civil Service), Tom Hall & Jill Nowicki (OSE) and Peggy Moczul (Employee Benefits). The purpose of the meeting was to review the recent changes regarding Medicare retirees enrolled in HMO’s. During the period of November-December Medicare retirees then in HMO’s were required to enroll in an HMO that offered a Medicare Advantage plan. If retirees did not choose a new HMO (BCN, HAP or Health Plus) and submit an application by December they were automatically placed in the State Health Plan PPO effective Jan. 1, 2006. Of the 848 retirees that were notified by the State, only 289 submitted applications for the 3 Medicare Advantage HMO’s. Part of the discussion at the meeting involved reasons as to the low number of applications submitted. The consensus was that Medicare eligible State Retirees have been bombarded in the past few months with so much information about the Medicare Drug Plan that many probably didn’t understand the latest mailings. We have been asked by the State to participate in exploring the various Medicare Advantage plans in the HMO’s and the feasibility of utilizing Medicare Advantage in the current PPO. Throughout the coming year we will be meeting with the State and its Provider’s to discuss this idea more fully. SERA is committed to maintaining and preserving Health Care Benefits for all State retirees. See the letter written to Jan Winters. A letter has been sent to Governor Granholm requesting that she do something to help those retirees on very small pensions (pre-1986 retirees) whose current pensions fall below the State’s poverty level. Copies of the letter to Governor Granholm will be sent to all SERA Chapters. We are hoping that she will respond favorably. Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380 Return to top of page |