Chair Talk |
November 2004Some State Employee Unions have tentatively agreed on a 3-year contract with OSE. I don’t have all the details as yet, but the agreement includes an increase in base pay every six months for 3 years (total of 10%). They will continue the Banked Leave Time program. Now that negotiations with Employee unions are over, I will ask for another meeting with OSE to discuss increases for older retirees again. I also plan to meet regarding how our prescription benefits work with the current Medicare Law. The last time we had met and discussed this issue there were no plans in the works to change our current prescription benefits. I have received a few calls about the $30 co-pay for non-fonnulary drugs. Many retirees received letters infonning them of drugs they are currently prescribed that are no longer on the fonnulary. I have four (4) that are no longer on the list and Peggy has one (1). I am asking that Chapter Presidents let me know if this is a major area of change/concern. I can ask to have another meeting with Express Scripts, Employee Benefits, and OSE about our problems with the new change. I am still working to complete a listing of SERA events from the past 30 years (as I reported on in August). I am also updating the album of pictures. I will bring the album to all future CC meetings. Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380 Return to top of page |