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Chair Talk |
March 2004I recently received a phone call from Governor Granholm’s office informing me they had received the letter inviting her to be our guest speaker at the May meeting. I was told that when they started to schedule events for May they would contact me as to whether she would be able to attend. I will be forming a committee to come up with a program for our August meeting to be held in Escanaba. Mary McClellan had informed me that the SERA CC would be 30 years old this year. I was thinking that it would be fitting to celebrate our 30-year anniversary in Escanaba. I would suggest that maybe we could form carpools to Escanaba for that meeting. I will send letters to Chapter Presidents to put forth this idea. The SERA web-site survey has been distributed to all Chapters. I recently received 2 responses from the Caro chapter. If you have responses to the survey, please see that they are given to Al Whitfield, myself or mailed to the address on the survey. We hope to have a good return of the completed surveys so that we can determine the future of the SERA web site. I have contacted Lisa Stout (Express Scripts) to verify that she would be our presenter at the May meeting. She has indicated that we were on her schedule and is looking forward to being at our meeting. I believe that it is important that you contact your legislators regarding House Bills 4987 & 5435-5438. As of last week the bills were still in committee and there has been no new schedule for committee meetings. I am sure that Al Whitfield will have further information about the status of these bills in his Legislative report. Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380 Return to top of page |